Ed Blumquist TV Series Fargo Jesse Plemons Blue Denim Jacket
Fargo is an American black comedy thriller crime drama series. The show is an inspiration by a 1996 film, created by Coen Brothers. The movie series is about the story of a disparate set of characters dealing with a plethora of crimes in different time periods, who only share their connection to the Midwest, the USA among their selves. Ed Blumquist is played by our very versatile actor, Jesse Plemons. Ed in the series is a butcher and a devoted husband to his wife. He is a contented wealthy man living with his wife whereas his wife does not feel the same way.
We present you this Fargo Ed Blumquist Denim Jacket, which is a real jackpot to grab a fantastic look. Crafted with real denim material and affixed internally with smooth viscose lining. This jacket has an open front with a buttoned closure. The shirt-style collar gives an outdoorsy appeal to the jacket. On the other hand, the full-length sleeves and buttoned cuffs provide alleviation in the jacket. The tranquil vintage of the jacket is available in its serene blue color.
- Material: Denim
- Inner: Viscose Lining
- Closure: Front Buttoned Closure
- Collar: Shirt Style Collar
- Cuffs: Buttoned Cuffs
- Color: Blue
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