Elliot Stabler TV Series Law & Order Organized Crime Christopher Meloni Wool Coat
Nowadays, movies or tv-series are not only worth watching but also left an idea for fashion styles that are trending more than what the fashion industry invents itself. No one can deny this. Hence, it helps to take every step to make your fashion sense better and grab as many compliments as you can. So, it’s time to upgrade your closet and get your hands on this most demanding Christopher Meloni Law & Order Organized Crime Elliot Stabler Coat, available at an exclusive off on each order.
We offer high-quality replica products to give you great style at an affordable price. Please note that the actual product color may vary slightly from the photos due to lighting effects during photography. We strive to provide accurate representations and ensure your satisfaction.
Inspired by the upcoming tv-show, Law & Order, Organized Crime, the Elliot Stabler Law & Order Organized Crime Christopher Meloni Wool Coat has all the charming features to make your appearance spectacular within no time.
Fabricated from wool exterior & viscose fabric interior to set a jaw-dropping look with an elegant buttoned front, shirt-style collar, and inside-out pockets, everything is going right to notice while wearing this. Comes in alluring gray color, place your order now before it goes out of stock.
Celebrity Inspired Coat Specification:
- Material: Wool
- Inner: Viscose Lining
- Front: Buttoned Closure
- Collar: Shirt Style Collar
- Pockets: Two Outside and Two Inside
- Sleeves: Full-length Sleeves with Buttoned Cuffs
- Color: Grey
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